Start restoration summer 2017, we hope to be ready summer 2018, and we did ready juni 2018 100 % nice driven car !!
- Found in the Klondike, old golddigger cars
- this was the loadfloor
- this was a wrong engine not the F8A
- safety bars
- Klondike Alaska-Canada to Holland
- 3 LJ81 cars in one container
- Uit of the container aug 2016
- on his last trip to Eljeeholland his place TRIEMEN
- all 3 Lj 81 together in Triemen
- proof not is the Klondike
- dismantling the car 2017
- bad sides
- lets hope we can restore it
- backside
- ready for carbondioxide blasting ( Co2 )
- motorcompartment
- Bottinga cleaning with Co2 ice
- mooi werk !!
- making from two cabines, one good one
- ready for the welding shop
- reapair must be done in the qweldingshop
- on his way to the welding and printshop
- more ten 2 cm off filler summer 2017
- nice work can be made with new sheetmetal
- also this in not to repair, filler was 2 cm thick
- this is better original lj80 rockerpanels
- after c02 blasting
- hood after c02 blasting
- new original doors
- new original front and grille
- Brand new original front fenders
- pictures from how it is build
- other that lj80
- pictures for restoring later
- petrolfill cap complete different as lj80
- how nice this still is , we clean and sandblast it and p[aint and put it back together at the same way
- Fastening safety belts
- The fire was is cut out the old LJ80 VAN
- rebuild cabin
- nice too see
- insite rust
- the metalworker
- The firewall cut out and used again
- new toropedo’s from LJ80 Q, this measns smaller ribs
- we use new torpedo’s from a LJ80Q and rebuild it to LJ80V
- Here you see the big rib in a LJ80van
- Old floors are like it has blown by a shotgun
- The old roof, full with rust and dents
- when everything fits then it will be spot welded
- inside new floors
- Nice new TROA floors
- new floors from TROA, Trucks off America, my sheet metal supplier
- Now it looks again better
- Cabin before welding
- new torpedo sides L & R
- Now it looks again like a cab with doors in good working order
- so it come, broken tow and bumper hooks
- we welded in new hooks and front tow from an other car
- before grit blasting
- loading deck ready for sandblasted with steel grit
- chassis sandblasted already
- ready 22-11-17
- again home
- a lot off pieces mounted already
- Tank very damaged by big rocks in the yukon
- inside the tank biog dents
- we opened the tanks from above
- so it was above
- so it is inside
- rust inside
- this side was ok
- oeps, a little too much !
- The side gates after co2 blasting
- The rear gate after co2 blasting
- rear gate
- alle 3 gates
- front gate
- new top on the front gate
- front gate loading deck again 100 %
- primeren
- the load deck
- werking on the deck
- Cabine nice job
- furore with the cabine
- and again
- looks nice
- job well done
- job well done
- resting
- front pieces
- front grille new in his last primer
- last primeren
- first in body shuts
- just before painting in color
- waiting for assemble
- resting
- 4-1-18 painting
- nice
- the paint master himself
- resting
- inside body shuts
- nice job
- resting
New engine build in spring 2022 , new short block and pistons and crankshaft etc standard 0.00 measurements , all new original parts.

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