Rims 16 inch sandblasted and RAl 1013 powdercoated and new tyre 6.00 x 16.
One complete wheel cost eur 350 ( new inner tyre, good rim sandblasted and powder coating in org. color and Bridgestone snow master tire
One 16 inch rim eur 100,00 ( not sandblasted and coated)
One 16 inch rim sandblasted and new powdercoated in original color euro 200,00
One old stock tyre Bridgestone cost Eur 175,00
One new inner tyre euro 25,00
One rim, sandblasted and powder coated and new innertyre complete and ready to use euro 400,00
No shipping, must be calculated , please send a messagLJ 10 – 20- 50 & 80
eljeeholland –
Hello Carlos,
Yes we can do that, do you only need the rims than they are euro 75 x 5 = 375,00 each and around euro euro 375,00 for shipping.
When you need rims powder coated then the pice for a rim is euro 150,00 each x 5 = euro 750,00 and euro 375,00 shipping
When also with a tyre euro 250,00 each x 5 = euro 1250 + shipping euro 750,00
Regards Pieter
mohammed –
Hello, I want to ask you please about her condition and tire suit. Please respond to me as soon as I am serious about buying and I want 5 pills
eljeeholland –
Hello Mohammed,
All tyres are in good condition and around 7,5 mm profile or more
All rims are new coated and before that sandblasted
shipping can be arranged
Regards Pieter
Carlos –
Is any possibility for shipping? I have a LJ80 -1980 Like new and I need 5 rims. Shipping to Puerto Rico, US Zip code 00725
I will appreciate your help.